How To Make Money Online: You are on this page right now because you want to learn how to make money online so let us get right to it. There a number of ways to make money online (legitimate and illegitimate) and make it fast but this post will be focusing on how to make legitimate money online.

The side hustles listed below are verified ways to make good money that will not increase your blood pressure whenever an officer of the law drives next to you or walks past you on the street.

Ready to learn how to make money online? Keep reading.

3 Verified Ways To Make Money Online

Start a business and reach people online. Essentially, everyone is a business minded individual. Even the beggar on the street. It is a survival instinct. You have to do something to earn money.

What do you do or what can you do to earn money? What goods can you supply to meet people’s needs?

These days, you do not need to have a physical store to sell. You do not need a huge capital to start either. You can start small, open an Instagram business page, post pictures of your goods and be sure to use hashtags related to what you sell. This way, people interested in or following that hashtag will see what you have to offer and start making inquiries.

Be sure to build your following. Ask your friends and family to follow and share your business with their contacts. Inform, your followers on your personal page about your business and ask them to follow.

You are reading: How To Make Money Online

If you want your business to grow, ensure that you are reliable and transparent. Ask your customers for reviews and share them on your personal and business page.

When you have started making money, give discounts, run a competition and do giveaways. Promote these posts targeting people who are interested in your products. If you do not know how to run ads, you can learn online for free or hire a social media marketer on

This kind of side hustle will not take much of your time especially if you have a full-time job. However, this side job can become a full-time job if you dedicate enough passion and time to it.

Social media is great but any social media platform can go down or become extinct. A great example is Google+. When the big bucks start rolling in, build your website and start directing your traffic there.

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Find what you love to do and become an influencer within that niche. Influencers are making a killing on social media. If you do not know what influencer marketing is, here is a definition from Wikipedia.

“Influencer marketing (also influence marketing) is a form of marketing in which focus is placed on influential people rather than the target market as a whole on social media. It identifies the individuals who have influence over potential customers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.”

Maraji is one out of many influencers who started by doing funny videos of herself on Instagram. Today, she markets for various brands and you will not believe how much she charges per skit. To become an influencer, you need to figure out what you are passionate about. Is it music, art, do you love to create funny content? Do you love gadgets and like to review them? Are you an unemployed doctor? You can create a niche for yourself on social media.

Review beauty products, gadgets, clothing, create funny or educative content and share them. Use trending topics creatively and before you know it, people who are interested in your content will become ardent followers.

This side hustle requires commitment, consistency, and dedication so you have to give it your all. As soon as you have grown a following, create your price list because it will only be a matter of time before brands start contacting you to create adverts for them so that they can reach your audience.

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Become a service provider. Sell your skills and services on Vhjobs.

You may not be great at selling but you have a skill that you can monetize. Use it!

Do you write very well? You are a content writer. Do you work as a digital marketer? Become a freelancer and run ads for individuals and other businesses. Are you a software developer? Don’t slack, a lot of businesses and individuals need your skill set. Are you a photographer, make up artiste or mechanic? Do you know how to wash cars till they are gleaming under the stars?

You have a skill and there are people who need your services near you. You just do not know how to find them. Vhjobs can connect you with these people.

Sign up to become a service provider, create a very attractive profile, set your location and rates and before you know it, people who need your services will contact you. It is as easy as that. You cannot get opportunities like this on Fiverr or Upwork. Don’t dull. Registration is absolutely free.

I believe you have learned something new? If you have any questions, comments or contributions, leave a comment and we will get back to you.

Start your side hustle today and start cashing out in no time.

How To Make Money Online
