How To Write An Outstanding Resume: You just graduated from the university or maybe you are tired of your present job and you want to make a career change, it usually starts with an outstanding resume. It is important to know that a resume isn’t a log of your job history or a summary of your skills and it won’t automatically get you a job.
Think of it as an advertisement and YOU being the product. The aim is to get hiring managers to buy what you are selling and this means eventually giving you an interview. Always see your resume as your marketing tool as hiring managers are attracted to well-written resumes with attention-grabbing details.
However, sometimes recruiters may ask for a Curriculum Vitae (CV) which is completely different from a resume. So let’s state the clear differences between a resume and a CV so that we don’t get confused.
What is a CV? What is a Resume?
A resume is a brief summary of personal, educational, professional experiences used for job applications. Its layout is supposed to be selective and concise. This takes about a page and maybe a maximum of three pages for higher levels and senior roles.
A CV is a detailed summary of professional and educational histories used for job applications. It usually outlines your entire educational and professional history, along with major accomplishments, publications, and other credentials. This takes about two or more pages.
Now that we know the differences, next time we can learn steps to writing a great CV but for now, let’s follow the steps to writing that great resume.